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Black History Month Spotlight: Stephanie Singleton

February is Black History Month, and we’re taking the opportunity to spotlight a collection of projects from Black illustrator Stephanie Singleton which focus on diversity and equity, Black history, and Black experiences. Stephanie is a Toronto-based artist whose clients include Simon & Schuster, Harvard Business Review, and the University of Chicago.

Poster for the Washington National Cathedral’s new Now and Forever Windows. Replacing the previous windows which honored Confederate generals, the new windows capture the resilience, faith and endurance of African Americans.
Illustrations for Harvard Business Review: The Next Phase of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). It’s time for companies to recommit to DEI initiatives spurred by the BLM movement and pandemic inequities.
Illustration for Smithsonian Magazine: Meet the Black men who changed Lincoln’s mind about equal rights and altered the course of U.S. history.
Spots for Deseret Magazine: The Long Emancipation – The story behind Juneteenth and what it means for race in America