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Custom Lettering and Type Design

Custom lettering and type design has become one of the most popular creative choices as the primary visual element in design and advertising. Illustrators who specialize in lettering are being used for print ads, packaging, collateral, editorial, publishing, product,  and interactive/motion; pretty much anything and everything.   Many of our artists have incorporated lettering into their work.  Three of the illustrators that specialize in type based work are Kate Forrester, Luke Lucas, and Steven Bonner. Each has their own style and approach, often melding illustrative elements into their designs.  Please take a look at their works.  If you’d like to see all of the lettering artists in the group go to: Specialty: Lettering

Kate Forrester has a special gift for weaving images into her lettering designs for packaging, advertising and book covers.  In addition to more lettering centric projects, Kate’s pattern designs are popular in packaging and with custom product design.  This year Crate Barrel chose Kate to design a series of Christmas products.

Oregon Shakespeare Festival poster

Publix promotional poster                      Always print ad


Bohemian Rhapsody beer label                                                      “Vivien’s Heavenly Ice Cream Shop” book cover

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Private commission on wood


On the Rocks Cocktails packaging designs.


Crate and Barrel product designs
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Luke Lucas brings an incredible array of solutions to his projects:  from flat to dimensional, from vector to CGI.  Luke’s work is an excellent example of how changes in letter shape, size, and texture can convey specific meanings in tone and attitude.

Diet Coke’s “Retweets of Love” campaign


Fabric magazine’s cover for March 2015 issue.                          Diet Coke “Retweets of Love Campaign”Fabric_Cover_march_750px_750


Wall Street Journal article title5d0b5371-304b-47fb-ba76-70dd42f3a63d

Variety’s ribbon letters.


Science News illustration


Popular Mechanics blueprint letters.


Harvesters Beer logo.


Steven Bonner‘s work has a bold, graphic masculine feel, with a special focus on packaging and advertising.

Tamdhu whisky bottle label and packaging

“Rant” was part of a series of typographic illustrations for a copywriting company.


Audi print advertisement


Gold medal winner and cover for The Art Book.                                   Nike apparel graphics.


Tennent’s beer can designs.


Net Magazine lettering piece
