2017 arrives in less than a month, but you can get a glimpse of what it looks like today. We’re happy to welcome 2017 with our new Mendola calendar! Thirteen of our artists contributed wonderful artwork that you can enjoy all year long. You can even learn a bit about each of the contributing artists with our “Up Close and Personal” profiles. Discover the answers to fascinating questions like “What is my most bizarre secret talent?” and “I often fantasize about being….” Check out a preview of the work below!
Kirsten Ulve – cover
Kirsten depicts many of the unique characters you can see walking around the neighborhood of the Mendola Artists world headquarters in midtown Manhattan.
Bill Ledger – January
Bill’s specializes in delightfully rendered CGI characters; notice the fur. This Englishman is happy to do kick-off conference calls from his local pub.
Heidi Schmidt – February
Heidi’s colorful design is sure to brighten your work space leading up to Valentine’s Day. If you ever get out to her Northern California studio, be sure to stop by for homemade cobbler and pickles.
Miracle Studios – March
Terry Tidwell, the creative genius behind the Miracle curtain, was responsible for this bold comic creation representing March coming in like a lioness.
Oliver Sin – April
Oliver created this springtime image in between his hectic schedule creating animations. Be sure to plan in advance to get on his schedule. Oliver told us he fantasizes about being a cat owner.
Rob Ball – May
We just loved Rob’s Jimi Hendrix portrait so much we had to find a place for it in the calendar. Fun fact about Rob is he often determines the color palette for an image by what he’s wearing that day.
Sarah McMenemy – June
Sarah’s lovely watercolor style is perfect for springtime in Paris. When Sarah is relaxing in her English garden, her drink of choice is a refreshing gin and tonic.
Julia Green – July
Julia specializes in dramatic photorealism and her image reminds us to always stay one step ahead of the storm.
Caroline Attia – August
Caroline is a Parisian artist who specializes in whimsical illustrations for print, animation, and even creates designs for a children’s line on Society 6 called Baby Karot!
Amy Devoogd – September
Amy’s late summertime image captures that perfect time of day as the sun is setting and the beach belongs to you and your dog. Be sure to congratulate this Chicago land resident for the Cubs recent World Series win.
Kevin Rechin – October
Kevin’s Halloween image captures the best of his artistic sensibilities: kids trick or treating at Frankenstein’s house.
Ben the Illustrator – November
Ben’s image beautifully captures the essence of November. Fun fact about Ben is that he has seen the Beastie Boys in concert multiple times.
Echo Chernik – December
Echo is an incredibly prolific and versatile artist. We think her stained glass style is perfect for December. Echo regularly attends Comic Con in San Diego…in her RV.